Older news
Update for 9/18/11
Sat 17th September 2011 3:00 pm PDT – Gregg, InterWet USA
Hi, everybody. We uploaded part 5 of 8 to set #1 by Jazmine/Brandi/Angel and
part 3 of 4 from Misty's set #7 for over 150 new pics this week. Enjoy them.
Update for 9/11/11
Sat 10th September 2011 5:20 am PDT – Gregg, InterWet USA
Hello, friends. It is hard to believe that this weekend marks the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, and of course, the flight that didn't make it to our capitol because of courageous souls' actions. Please take a moment to remember not only the thousands of innocent civilians who died that morning, but the families, friends, and colleagues of those people who must come to grips with the reality of this each and every day. Like so many others, we were affected by this tragedy. "We Will Never Forget."
This week, we added another part to both Jazmine/Brandi/Angel set 1 and Misty set 7. Enjoy the 150+ new pics.
Update for 9/4/11
Sat 3rd September 2011 11:47 am PDT – Gregg, InterWet USA
Hi, folks. We promised a new set starting this weekend and we present set #7 by Misty, part 1 of what is a 4 part series. We added another part to set #1 by the trio of Jazmine/Brandi/Angel also for a total of over 150 new pics. Enjoy them. More next weekend.
Update for 8/28/11
Sat 27th August 2011 2:37 am PDT – Gregg, InterWet USA
Hello, all. This week, we wrapped up set #3 from Krystal and added part 2 of 8 to Jazmine/Brandi/Angel set #1 for a grand total of over 150 new images. Enjoy them and be sure to check back next weekend since we will be starting a new set.
Update for 8/21/11
Sat 20th August 2011 8:42 am PDT – Gregg, InterWet USA
Hi everybody. This week, we started a new eight part set containing three models--Jazmine, Brandi, and Angel, set #1. We also updated part 3 of 4 from Krystal's set #3. There is a total of 156 new pics between the two sets. Enjoy.